We ordered him a jacket, a token of being on a team, being a part of something bigger. All the boys had one. We ordered it in an adult size small, the smallest size available. It swam on him. He never played football after that one season, but the jacket has remained. Out the door he goes as I yell from the top of the stairs "Take your coat!" He could bring any coat from his closet and that would suffice. He brings this one. He dutifully takes it everywhere he goes. It is his constant friend and his loyal companion. Sometimes I feel bad that he has to hang around and wait while my son goes off to tackle the day's adventure. It'd be nice if he'd wear it once in a while!
Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens
13 years ago
wonderful story!! I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.
Just shows that there are some things from the past that we always take with us, even if we are no longer doing the thing that associates with it! Good job!!
I can relate to being small and not liking it. I still wish I was bigger today!
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