Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Watery Wednesday: Kent Falls in September

We received another 8 inches of snow here in Connecticut yesterday, bringing everything to a complete standstill. Instead of grabbing my trusty camera and going out for pics, I opted for a setting more green and refreshing. Memories took me back to celebrating our 22nd anniversary back in September. This is where we spent a good part of the day.to enjoy other watery scenes, please visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


Daddy said...

I used to work at a summer camp in Kent, where I met my current roommate. Kent Falls was the amazing day-off getaway in town. I miss it.

And in case you were wondering, No, I wasn't one of the jerk camp-counselors that left their trash everywhere. I did and still do hate those people.

Anonymous said...

That is so nice! I can see why you spent a good part of the day there. 8 inches of snow. Wow!

Anonymous said...

I find waterfalls really romantic. I feel for you neighbors to the right coast.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful shot.

kayleen said...

What a lovely place to spend a day. Nothing quite as restful and restorative as the sound of a waterfall.

Rob Ripma said...

Wow, that looks like a wonderful waterfall.

kden said...

I don't blame you for wanting to turn back the clock and using another photo. Your falls shot is beautiful and hopefully you will get back there to get another shot soon. Sending warm thoughts your way to melt the snow.


Great waterfall - full of motion! And I agree, sick and tired of snow these days!

Carletta said...

That certainly looks like a lovely spot to spend the day!
Happy Belated 22nd!

Mines on my photoblog: Carletta’s Captures.

Anonymous said...

And refreshing it is, indeed! That's sooo pretty & you've captured it nicely!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for the reminder of what moving water looks like. I swear I can hear those falls when I look at your photo!

Kathy W said...

Beautiful waterfall. Hopefully you all will thaw out soon and begin to enjoy spring time weather.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good romantic day spent! Lovely-